App in California. Oct 2. 00. 9Brian Acton persuades five ex Yahoo Aug 2. Whats. App 2. 0 is released on the App Store for the i. Phone. 1. 2Dec 2. Gmail is email thats intuitive, efficient, and useful. GB of storage, less spam, and mobile access. Free Download Yahoo Messenger 0. Stay in touch with your friends and family while sharing favorite photos using one of the most popular insta. Get a free email account from Yahoo Mail. Your email comes with 1000 GB of free storage, powerful spam and security features, easy to use tools to help manage your. Whats. App for the i. Phone is updated to send photos. Aug 2. 01. 0Whats. App support for Android OS is added. Jan 2. 1, 2. 01. 1We. Chat, a messenger app, is founded. It eventually becomes very popular in China. At Yahoo Finance, you get free stock quotes, uptodate news, portfolio management resources, international market data, social interaction and mortgage rates that. HYahoo624APP30. Yahoo Messenger kostenlos downloaden Weitere virengeprfte Software aus der Kategorie Internet finden Sie bei computerbild. WhatsApp Messenger is a freeware and crossplatform instant messaging service for smartphones. It uses the Internet to make voice calls, one to one video calls send. Apr 2. 01. 1In Series A round, Whats. App founders agree to take 7 million from Sequoia Capital on top of their 2. Sequoia partner Jim Goetz. May 2. 01. 1Snap. Download Telegram for Desktop 1. Chat with all your Telegram contacts from your desktop. Telegram for Desktop is a desktop app for Windows that enables you to. Free software download,The biggest software directory for freeware and shareware download at brothersoft. Yahoo Finances All Markets Summit. Industry experts discuss the pressing economic issues of our time on Wednesday, October 25, from 8 a. Chat, a competing photo messaging app, is founded. Jan 6, 2. 01. 2An unknown hacker publishes a website that makes it possible to change the status of an arbitrary Whats. App user, as long as the phone number was known. Aug 2. 01. 2The Whats. App support staff announce that messages were encrypted in the latest version of the Whats. App software for i. OS and Android but not Black. Berry, Windows Phone, and Symbian, without specifying the cryptographic method. Feb 2. 01. 3Whats. Apps user base swells to about 2. Jul 2. 01. 3Sequoia invests another 5. Series B round, valuing Whats. App at 1. 5 billion. Jul 1. 6, 2. 01. 3Whats. App goes free, with an annual subscription fee of 1 after the first year. Aug 2. 01. 3Telegram, a cloud based instant messaging service, launches. Aug 2. 01. 3Whats. App introduces voice messaging. Feb 1. 9, 2. 01. 4Facebook announces its acquisition of Whats. App for US1. 9 billion, its largest acquisition to date. Facebook pays 4 billion in cash, 1. Facebook shares, and an additional 3 billion in restricted stock units granted to Whats. Apps founders. 2. Mar 2. 01. 4Someone discovers a vulnerability in Whats. App encryption on the Android application that allows another app to access and read all of a users chat conversations within it. Nov 2. 01. 4Whats. App introduces a feature named Read Receipts, which alerts senders when their messages are read by recipients. Within a week, Whats. App introduces an update allowing users to disable this feature so that message recipients do not send acknowledgements. Jan 2. 1, 2. 01. 5Whats. App launches Whats. App Web, a web client which can be used through a web browser by syncing with the mobile devices connection. Jan 2. 1, 2. 01. 5Whats. App announces its policy on cracking down on 3rd party clients, including Whats. App. 2. 9 Users would not be able to use Whats. Apps services at all until the third party apps are uninstalled. Dec 2. 01. 5Whats. App is briefly shut down in Brazil after it refuses to place wiretaps on certain Whats. App accounts. 3. 1 It is shut down in Brazil again on May 2. July 2. 01. 6. 3. Jan 1. 8, 2. 01. 6Jan Koum announces that Whats. App will no longer charge its users a 1 annual subscription fee. There is still no clear plan for monetizing Whats. App. 3. 5Mar 2. 01. Diego Dzodan, a Facebook executive, is arrested by Brazilian federal police after Facebook fails to turn over information from his Whats. App messaging account into a judges request for a drug trafficking investigation. Mar 2, 2. 01. 6Whats. App introduces its document sharing feature, initially allowing users to share PDF files with their contacts. Apr 5, 2. 01. 6Whats. App and Open Whisper Systems announce that they finish adding end to end encryption3. Whats. App, and that users could now verify each others keys. May 1. 0, 2. 01. 6Whats. App is introduced for both Windows and Mac operating systems. Sep 5, 2. 01. 7Whats. App started external testing of an enterprise platform which enables companies to provide customer service to users at scale. Airline KLM launches such a service. Whats. App Messenger is a freeware and cross platforminstant messaging service for smartphones. It uses the Internet to make voice calls, one to one video calls send text messages, images, GIF, videos, documents, user location, audio files, phone contacts and voice notes4. Originally users could only communicate with other users individually or in groups of individual users, but in September 2. Whats. App announced a forthcoming business platform which will enable companies to provide customer service to users at scale. All data are end to end encrypted. It also incorporates a feature called Status, which allows users to upload photos and videos to a 2. Snapchat, Facebook and Instagram Stories. The client was created by Whats. App Inc., based in Mountain View, California, which was acquired by Facebook in February 2. US1. 9. 3 billion. By February 2. 01. Whats. App had a user base of over one billion,5. History. 20. 092. Whats. App, was incorporated in 2. Brian Acton and Jan Koum, both former employees of YahooAfter Koum and Acton left Yahoo September 2. South America as a break from work. At one point they applied for jobs at Facebook but were rejected. For the rest of the following years Koum relied on his 4. Yahoo In January 2. Phone and realizing that the App Store would soon create an industry of apps, Koum started visiting his friend Alex Fishman in West San Jose where the three would discuss. Phone developer. Fishman found a Russian developer on Rent. ACoder. com, Igor Solomennikov, and introduced him to Koum. Koum named the app Whats. App to sound like whats up. On February 2. 4, 2. Whats. App Inc. in California. However, because early versions of Whats. App often crashed or got stuck at a particular point, Koum felt like giving up and looking for a new job, upon which Acton encouraged him to wait for a few more months. In June 2. 00. 9, Apple launched push notifications, allowing users to be pinged when they were not using an app. Koum changed Whats. App so that when a users status is changed, everyone in the users network would be notified. Whats. App 2. 0 was released with a messaging component and the number of active users suddenly increased to 2. Acton was still unemployed and managing another startup, and he decided to join the company. In October 2. 00. Acton persuaded five former friends in Yahoo Acton became a co founder and was given a stake. He officially joined on November 1. After months at beta stage, the application eventually launched in November 2. App Store for the i. Phone. Koum then hired a friend who lived in Los Angeles, Chris Peiffer, to develop the Black. Berry version, which arrived two months later. Whats. App was switched from a free to paid service to avoid growing too fast, mainly because the primary cost was sending verification texts to users. In December 2. 00. Whats. App for the i. Phone. By early 2. Whats. App was one of the top 2. Apples U. S. App Store. In April 2. 01. 1, Sequoia Capital was the only venture investor in Whats. App and paid approximately 8 million for more than 1. Sequoia partner Jim Goetz. By February 2. 01. Whats. App had about 2. Sequoia invested another 5. Whats. App was valued at 1. In a December 2. 01. Whats. App claimed that 4. Facebook subsidiary 2. On February 1. 9, 2. Scary Maze Game 7 Hacked Photos more. Facebook announced it was acquiring Whats. App for US1. 9 billion, its largest acquisition to date. At the time, the acquisition was the largest purchase of a venture backed company in history. Sequoia Capital received an approximate 5. Facebook, which was advised by Allen Co, paid 4 billion in cash, 1. Facebook shares, and advised by Morgan Stanley an additional 3 billion in restricted stock units granted to Whats. Apps founders, Koum and Acton. Employee stock was scheduled to vest over four years subsequent to closing. Days after the announcement, Whats. App users experienced a loss of service, leading to anger across social media. The acquisition caused a considerable number of users to move, or try out other message services as well. Telegram claimed to have seen 8 million additional downloads of its app. Line claimed to have seen 2 million new users for its service.