My. ISAMVariable. Maria. DB Default. My. SQL Defaultmyisamrecoveroptions. BACKUP,QUICKOFFkeybuffersize. Inno. DB replaced My. Version 20150327 Maintained by Stephen J. Gowdy URL for Get Update http VIDPID USB. Details on dozens of NIST projects in computer security, cybersecurity, information security and privacy. ISAM as the default storage engine for some time now, but it is still used for many system tables. My. SQL has tuned down the My. ISAM settings, since it is not heavily used. When mysqld opens a table, it checks whether the table is marked as crashed, or was not closed properly, and runs a check on it based on the myisamrecoveroptions settings. My. SQL disables this by default, preventing recovery. Maria. DB has enabled the BACKUP and QUICK recovery options. BACKUP causes a tablename datetime. QUICK causes mysqld to not check the rows in a table if there are no delete blocks, ensuring recovery can occur faster. Maria. DB 1. 0. 2 increased the keybuffersize. This allows for more index blocks to be stored in memory. All threads use this buffer, so a small buffer can cause information to get moved in and out of it more quickly. Maria. DB 1. 0. 2 uses a buffer 1. My. SQL 5. 7 1. 34. Maria. DB 1. 0. 2 vsx 8. My. SQL 5. 7. Innodb. Variable. Maria. DB Default. My. SQL Defaultinnodbmaxundologsize. Mi. B1. 07. 37. 41. Mi. BInno. DB variables have remained primarily unchanged between Maria. DB 1. 0. 2 and My. SQL 5. 7. Maria. DB has reduced the innodbmaxundologsize starting in 1. This was reduced from My. SQLs default of 1. Mi. B to 1. 04. 85. Download Elcomsoft Wireless Security Auditor Full Crack Internet here. Mi. B. These sizes reflect the maximum size an undo tablespace can become before it is marked for truncation. The tablespace doesnt get truncated unless innodbundologtruncate is enabled, and it is disabled in My. SQL 5. 7 and Maria. DB 1. 0. 2 by default. Logging. Variable. Maria. DB Default. My. SQL Defaultlogerrorvarlogmysqld. ONOFFlogslowslavestatements. ONOFFlcmessagesdirusrsharemysql. Logs are extremely important for troubleshooting any issues so the different choices in logging for My. SQL 5. 7 and Maria. DB 1. 0. 2 are very interesting. The logerror variable allows you to control where errors get logged. Maria. DB 1. 0. 2 leaves this variable blank, writing all errors to stderr. My. SQL 5. 7 uses an explicitly created file at varlogmysqld. Maria. DB 1. 0. 2 has also enabled additional slow statement logging. Logslowadminstatements create a record for any administrative statements that are not typically written to the binlog. Logslowslavestatements log the replicated statements sent from the master, if they are slow to complete. My. SQL 5. 7 does not enable logging of these statements by default. Lcmessagesdir is the directory that contains the error message files for various languages. The variable defaults might be a little misleading in Maria. DB 1. 0. 2. Lcmessagesdir is left empty by default, although it still uses the same path as My. SQL 5. 7. The files are located in usrsharemysql by default for both databases. Performance Schema. Variable. Maria. DB Default. My. SQL Defaultperformanceschema. OFFONperformanceschemasetupactorssize. The performance schema is an instrumentation tool that is designed to help troubleshoot various performance concerns. My. SQL 5. 7 enables the performance schema, and many of its instruments, by default. My. SQL even goes so far as to detect the appropriate value for many Performance Schema variables instead of setting a static default. The Performance Schema does come with some overhead, and there are many blogs regarding how much this can impact performance. I think Sveta Smirnova said it best in her blog Performance Schema Benchmarks OLTP RW test on your system No generic benchmark can exactly repeat a workload on your site. Maria. DB has disabled the Performance Schema by default, as well as adjusted a couple of the dynamic variables. Note that if you wish to disable or enable the Performance Schema, it requires a restart of the server since these variables are not dynamic. Performanceschemasetupactorssize and performanceschemasetupobjectssize have both been set to a static 1. My. SQL 5. 7. These both limit the number of rows that can be stored in relative tables. This creates a hard limit to the size these tables can grow to, helping to reduce their data footprint. SSLTLSVariable. Maria. DB Default. My. SQL Defaultsslcaca. Secure Sockets Layer SSL and Transport Layer Security TLS are cryptographic protocols that allow for secure communication. SSL is actually the predecessor of TLS, although both are often referred to as SSL. My. SQL 5. 7 and Maria. DB 1. 0. 2 support both ya. SSL and Open. SSL. The default configurations for SSLTLS differ only slightly between My. SQL 5. 7 and Maria. DB 1. 0. 2. My. SQL 5. These files are created in the base directory, identified by the variable basedir. Each of these variables is left blank in Maria. DB 1. 0. 2, so you need to set them before using secure connections. These variables are not dynamic, so be sure to set the values before starting your database. Query Optimizer. Maria. DB 1. 0. 2. My. SQL 5. Optimization. Meaning. Switch. NAOFFBatched Key Access. Controls use of BKA join algorithmbatchedkeyaccess. Computer Era 5. 6th Edition Singapore by Eastern Trade Media. Computer Era 5. 6th Edition Singapore Published on Apr 1. Computer Era 5. 6th Edition Singapore.