Diabetic Rash Signs and Symptoms. One early symptom that some people notice before an official diagnose of diabetes is what is called by some a diabetic rash. Other people may notice a rash after they start taking insulin or medication, so lets address these concerns. With kids noticing darkened skin on neck area can be a tip off about sugar metabolism and allow you to nip diabetes in the bud. An astute pediatrician noticed darker skin in the neck area of a friends child and said this could be a pre cursor to diabetes. Check your childs neck area as well as arm pit area for darker colored skin. This may mean that the body is not able to use the insulin it produces. Its also called acanthosis nigricans. It isnt that there is dirt on the neck. Increasing exercise and watching diet can help with this and prevent diabetes. Improve the obesity issue if that is a problem. Fortunately, for kids they respond very well to exercise. Another rash that can occur with diabetes is eczema. Dont forget that assimilation of nutrients isnt up to par if one is diabetic. Its important to not ignore complications of diabetes whether its skin changes, swelling of feet or energy level fluctations. Fungal infections can also occur with diabetes. Write down if your skin is itchy, locations of rash areas etc to be able to identify this further. I also wanted to say that I know people dread dialysis but I have patients that have been doing well and bring a portable dvd player with them to make the time go faster. Why do I have itchy skin and scalp in perimenopause If the itchy eyelids is brought about by seborrheic dermatitis then you may develop dry, flakey patches of skin on the eyelid. Blepharitis can be a chronic condition. Urticaria this itchy spots all over body has unknown cause, they subside after some time. They form hive and wheels on the surface of the skin. Top 10 Tips for Dry Skin, Itchy Skin and Eczema Treatment. This free report is a must have if you suffer from dry itchy skin or eczema. Itchy skin is a common condition. We take a look at some of the most common causes of itches, including dry skin, eczema, and allergies. Attitude is everything when it comes to dialysis. No one wants to do this, but if the kidney damage is at a stage where this is recommended then know that you can do it and find ways to cope effectively. Diabetic Dermopathy. How To Install A Plumbing Vent here. This is the most common skin change for diabetic patients and can be seen in over thirty percent of those with diabetes. These are depressed darkened spots and can be found on the leg areas and other parts of the body. This can mix with eczema patches dermatitis. Steroid creams and moisturizers are important. If necessary, anti histamines can be taken as well. Reactions to Insulin or Medication. Certain brands of insulin may cause an allergy so have this checked out. Your doctor will try another brand of insulin and if there are still reactions, you can get a skin test for an allergy to insulin. Insulin rashes some say can be helped by using shea butter cream. Rashes to Be Alert To. With diabetes there is more vulnerability to skin yeast infections and bacterial infections such as cellulitis. Be aware that with less sensitivity often to the foot area due to lack of circulation, people dont always examine the feet area to look for fungus atheletes foot, small cuts that may get infected and fungus that may be growing around the nails. For itchy rashes around the ankles, some people have remarked on forums theyve found relief through St. Ives Oatmeal and Shea Butter lotions. If you have diabetes or know someone with it, a natural cure you can read about is here Diabetes Reveral Guide. This entry was posted. Saturday, December 2. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2. You can skip to the end and leave a response. Pinging is currently not allowed. Itchy Skin And White Patches© 2017