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RRD Number Common Demand ID Capability Speciality Primary. Koenig Solutions is an offshore IT training company providing certification courses on microsoft, oracle, cisco, vmware, dynamics etc. India, US, UK and Dubai. UNIX Health Check Power. HA HACMPIBM has implemented a new feature implemented for JFS2 filesystems to prevent simultaneous mounting within Power. HA clusters. While Power. HA can give concurrent access of volume groups to multiple systems, mounting a JFS2 filesystem on multiple nodes simultaneously will cause filesystem corruption. These simultaneous mount events can also cause a system crash, when the system detects a conflict between data or metadata in the filesystem and the in memory state of the filesystem. The only exception to this is mounting the filesystem read only, where files or directories cant be changed. In AIX 7. 10. 0 0. Mount Guard has been added to prevent simultaneous or concurrent mounts. If a filesystem appears to be mounted on another server, and the feature is enabled, AIX will prevent mounting on any other server. Mount Guard is not enabled by default, but is configurable by the system administrator. The option is not allowed to be set on base OS filesystems such as, usr, var etc. To turn on Mount Guard on a filesystem you can permanently enable it via usrsbinchfs. The same option is used with crfs when creating a filesystem. To turn off mount guard. To determine the mount guard state of a filesystem. Name Nodename Mount Pt VFS Size Options Auto Accounting. EAformat v. 1, Quota no, DMAPI. VIX yes, EFS no, ISNAPSHOT no, MAXEXT 0, Mount. Plants Vs Zombies 2 Hack Download here. Guard yes. The usrsbinmount command will not show the mount guard state. List of the most recent changes to the free Nmap Security Scanner. VCOPS-VM-network.jpg' alt='Install Networker Client Solaris 10 Network' title='Install Networker Client Solaris 10 Network' />When a filesystem is protected against concurrent mounting, and a second mount attempt is made you will see this error. Cannot mount guarded filesystem. The filesystem is potentially mounted on another node. After a system crash the filesystem may still have mount flags enabled and refuse to be mounted. In this case the guard state can be temporarily overridden by the noguard option to the mount command. Mount guard override for filesystem. The filesystem is potentially mounted on another node. Reference http www 0. T1. 01. 88. 53. The standard tool for cluster monitoring is clstat, which comes along with Power. HA System. MirrorHACMP. Clstat is rather slow with its updates, and sometimes the required clinfo deamon needs restarting in order to get it operational, so this is, well, not perfect. Theres a script which is also easy to use. It is written by Power. HAHACMP guru Alex Abderrazag. This script shows you the correct Power. HAHACMP status, along with adapter and volume group information. It works fine on HACMP 5. You can download it here qha. This is version 9. For the latest version, check www. This tiny but effective tool accepts the following flags n show network interface info N show interface info and active HBOD v show shared online volume group info l log to tmpqha. CAA SAN Disk Comms. For example, run. Its useful to put qha in usressbinclusterutilities, as that path is usually already defined in PATH, and thus you can run qha from anywhere. A description of the possible cluster states. STINIT cluster configured and down. STJOINING node joining the cluster. STVOTING Inter node decision state for an event. STRPRUNNING cluster running recovery program. STBARRIER clstrmgr waiting at the barrier statement. STCBARRIER clstrmgr is exiting recovery program. STUNSTABLE cluster unstable. NOTCONFIGURED HA installed but not configured. RPFAILED event script failed. STSTABLE cluster services are running with managed resources stable cluster or cluster services have been forced down with resource groups potentially in the UNMANAGED state HACMP 5. How do you monitor multiple HACMPPower. HA clusters Youre probably familiar with the clstat or the xclstat commands. These are nice, but not sufficient when you have more than 8 HACMPPower. HA clusters to monitor, as it cant be configured to monitor more than 8 clusters. Its also difficult to get an overview of ALL clusters in a SINGLE look with clstat. IBM included a clstat. HACMP 5 to show the cluster status on a webpage. This still doesnt provide an overview in a single look, as the clstat. The HACMPPower. HA cluster status can be retrieved via SNMP this is actually what clstat does too. Using the IP addresses of a cluster and the snmpinfo command, you can remotely retrieve cluster status information, and use that information to build a webpage. Weve written a script for this purpose. By using colors for the status of the clusters and the nodes green ok, yellow something is happening, red error, you can get a quick overview of the status of all the HACMPPower. HA clusters. Per cluster you can see the cluster name, the cluster ID, HACMP version and the status of the cluster and all its nodes. It will also show you where any resource groups are active. You can download the script here. This is version 1. Untar the file that you download. There is a README in the package, that will tell you how you can configure the script. This script has been tested with HACMP version 4, 5, 6, and up to Power. HA version 7. 1. 3. Support matrix life cycle for IBM Power. HA with a typical 3 year lifecycle AIX5. AIX5. 2. AIX5. 3. AIX6. 1. AIX7. 1. AIX7. 2. Release. Date. End Of. Support. HACMP 5. 1. YESYESYESNONONOJuly 1. Sep 1, 2. 00. 6HACMP 5. YESYESYESNONONOJuly 1. Sep 3. 0, 2. 00. 7HACMP 5. NOML4ML2YESNONOAug 1. Sep 3. 0, 2. 00. 9HACMP 5. NOTL8TL4NONONOJuly 2. Sep 3. 0, 2. 01. 1HACMP 5. NOTL8TL4YESYESNOSep 1. Sep 3. 0, 2. 01. 1Power. HA 5. 5. NONOTL7TL2 SP1YESNONov 1. Apr 3. 0, 2. 01. 2Power. HA 6. 1. NONOTL9TL2 SP1YESNOOct 2. Apr 3. 0, 2. 01. 5Power. HA 7. 1. NONONOTL6YESNOSep 1. NAPower. HA 7. 1. NONONOTL7 SP2TL1 SP2NOSep 1. NAPower. HA 7. 1. NONONOTL8 SP1TL2 SP1NOOct 3, 2. NAPower. HA 7. 1. NONONOTL9 SP1TL3 SP1NOOct 7, 2. NAPower. HA 7. 2. NONONOTL9 SP5TL3 SP5TL4 SP1TL0 SP1Dec 4, 2. NAPower. HA 7. 2. NONONOtbdtbdtbdannounced Dec, 2. NANote None of these versions is supported for AIX 4. Source HACMP Version Compatibility Matrix. If clstat is not working, you may get the following error, when running clstat. Failed retrieving cluster information. There are a number of possible causes. ES or snmpd subsystems are not active. Cluster services are not active on any nodes. Refer to the HACMP Administration Guide for more information. Additional information for verifying the SNMP configuration on AIX 6. README5. 5. 0. UPDATE. To resolve this, first of all, go ahead and read the README that is referred to. Youll find that you have to enable an entry in etcsnmdv. Commands clstat or cldump will not start if the internet MIB tree is not. This behavior is usually seen in. AIX 6. 1 onwards where this internet MIB entry was intentionally. This internet MIB entry is required to. MIB sub tree. which is used by clstat or cldump functionality. There are two ways to enable this MIB sub tree risc. They. 1 Enable the main internet MIB entry by adding this line in etcsnmpdv. VACMVIEW default. View internet included. But doing so is not recommended, as it unlocks the entire MIB tree. Enable only the MIB sub tree for risc. MIB tree by adding this line in etcsnmpdv. VACMVIEW default. View 1. 3. 6. 1. Note After enabling the MIB entry above snmp daemon must be restarted. After snmp is restarted leave the daemon running for about two minutes. Sometimes, even after doing this, clstat or cldump still dont work. Make sure that a COMMUNITY entry is present in etcsnmpdv. COMMUNITY public plubic no. Auth. No. Priv 0. The next thing may sound silly, but edit the etcsnmpdv. Change this. smux 1. HACMPES for AIX. Then, recycle the deamons on all cluster nodes. This can be done while the cluster is up and running. ES. startsrc s clinfo. ES. Now, to verify that it works, run either clstat or cldump, or the following command. Still not working at this point Then run an Extended Verification and Synchronization. After that, clstat, cldump and snmpinfo should work. If you run into the following error. Operation is not allowed because vg is a RAID concurrent volume group.