Extensionless. Url. Handler ISAPI 4. GET,HEAD,POST,DEBUG,PUT,DELETE,PATCH,OPTIONS modulesIsapi. Module script. ProcessorwindirMicrosoft. On a fully clean and uptodate install of Windows 7 with very little extra software installed, I went to the Manage Users panel of the Control Panel, and noticed. Download Struts And Spring Integration Step By Step. Running PHP on IIS. Increase the performance of PHP applications running on Windows Server with the Windows Cache Extension for PHP. Improved performance and greater. NETFramework. 64v. Conditionclassic. Mode,runtime. Versionv. Buffer. Limit0. Extensionless. Url. Handler Integrated 4. GET,HEAD,POST,DEBUG,PUT,DELETE,PATCH,OPTIONS typeSystem. Web. Handlers. Transfer. Request. Handler pre. Conditionintegrated. Mode,runtime. Versionv. Or find out where it has been locked and change it. It is probably locked in the application. Host. config file. It can be found here windirsystem. Open it with a text editor and look for a line like lt section namehandlers override. Mode. DefaultDeny. Change the override. Mode. Default attribute to Allow. Alternatively, you can use appcmd. Web. Site. Nameapp section system. ServerHandlers. Where Web. Site. Name is the name of the web site and app is the path to your application. To unlock it for the entire web site appcmd. Web. Site. Name section system. Install Drupal On Windows 7 Iis Version© 2017