You mentioned you had not used any pesticide on the plant because you wanted to hear from me first. What we discovered was the aphids were being eaten by two syrphid fly larvae. These larvae are legless and look similar to other fly maggots but they vary in color and patterning. Most have a yellow longitudinal stripe on the back. It is fairly easy to see the difference between syrphid fly larvae and caterpillars. Syrphid larvae have no legs and the skin is opaque which provides a window to see their internal organs. The larvae can feed on hundreds of aphids in a month, which makes them very important for keeping aphids under control. The presence of the syrphid fly larvae indicates a healthy eco system in your yard. I would leave well enough alone. Applying pesticides to the plants would also destroy the syrphid larvae and the natural balance you have achieved would be disrupted. Adult syrphid flies mimic bees as they have a black and yellow striped abdomen but they do not bite or sting. The syrphid fly adults feed on nectar and pollen. There are a few characteristics to watch for if you want to be able to determine if you have a fly or a bee. Flies have large compound eyes but bees have simple eyes. The antennae on the fly are short but bee antennae are longer. Bees have two sets of wings, flies only have one set. Q I am growing Anna apples and I found these tiny insects on the underside of the leaf. Can you tell me what they are A The insects on the Anna apple leaves are aphids. They are feeding on the plant juices in the leaf and causing the leaf to curl. There are dozens of them under one tiny leaf. Aphids do not require a male to reproduce and the young are born live, skipping the normal insect egg stage. Aphids can be controlled by applying horticulture oil on undersides of new leaf growth. More than one application may be necessary. Notice the aphids are attracted to new leaves as these leaves are most tender. John Rosenthal, My apologies for the delay in responding to your comment. Based on what you told me, there appears to be a small mold problem. There are so many primers on the market today. Its hard to know when to use the best one. Or when to use a primer at all. Now there is even Paint and Primer in One. Horticulture oil should be applied during the morning or early evening hours. Avoid applying oil in the heat of the day as this could damage the leaves. Remember to read and follow the directions on the pesticide label. Anna is a good apple choice for Florida as are Dorsett Golden and Tropic. Sweet. Apples grown in Florida require a pollinator so use Dorsett Golden to cross with Anna or Tropic. Sweet to produce mature fruit. Fertilize in January and June. Irrigate 4 5 inches under the tree canopy once a week if sufficient rainfall does not occur. Ant Lion. Q My son came home after playing with a friend to ask me about an ant lion. Is there such a thing and if so, what does it look like A They do indeed exist and I suspect you have seen the larval mounds and did not even realize what you were observing. Many a youth as played along the ground and watched the antlion set a trap for its favorite prey termites, beetle larvae and ants. The antlion, Glenurus gratus, larvae looks very menacing with its large, toothed mandible. They use these mandibles to capture and remove the fluid from their prey. The prey is bitten by the antlion, and then injected with a toxin which renders the prey immobile. The antlion build cone shaped pits in which the prey fall. If the victim tries to climb out of the pit, the antlion with flick grains of sand at the prey ultimately knocking the prey back into its grasp. Antlions are terrific insects to keep in a classroom or a container at home as they are found abundantly and easy to feed. For more information on keeping an antlion in the classroom check out the University of Florida publication Antlion Rearing http edis. Ants. Q I found an insect which looks like an ant with wings. What could it be A Actually, there are certain times when ants and termites form wings. The insects form wings to mate and form new nests. Auction 3 Watches. Gentlemens Nautica wristwatch, circular blue dial with Arabic numerals and date aperture, on blue fabric strap, boxed Lot subject to VAT. It is often difficult to determine the difference between a termite and an ant. The publication attached provides several pictures to assist in determining which insect you have. The most obvious difference is ants have a pinched waist whereas termites do not. Ant antennae are bent and ant wings are not the same size. Termite antennae are straight and their wings are equal in length. The insect you described is called an ant alate. Ant2. 0vs2. 0Termite. Q Can you tell me what kind of ant I have found A The ant you brought into the office is. Paratrechina longicornis,occurs. They often forage long distances. The. name crazy ant arises from its characteristic erratic. The. crazy ant is not native to the United States but originally from. The Project Gutenberg EBook of Moby Dick or The Whale, by Herman Melville This eBook is for the use of anyone anywhere at no cost and with almost no restrictions. Asian or African. In the United States the crazy ant can be. Florida to South Carolina and west to Texas. The antennae. of the crazy ant have 1. The stinger is lacking but the crazy may bite an intruder and. On warm, humid evenings, large numbers of males gather. Workers patrol. vegetation and other structures nearby. Workers feed on live and. The crazy ant thrives in places such as gasoline stations, convenience. They obtain honeydew by tending. In cold climates, the ants. The crazy ant is highly adaptable, living in both very. It nests in such places as trash. Download Video Belajar Membaca Untuk Anak Paud here. Non chemical control is based on exclusion. Crazy ants nest outdoors so prevention of their entrance. Indoors chemical controls are based on baits, dusts. Outdoor treatments include. Read. and follow label instructions and precautions before using any insecticide. Q How do I best control fire ants A Fire ants are one of Floridas most aggressive landscape pests. Gardeners experience these biting and stinging insects almost daily. The easiest control method is to use baits. There are a few important things to know about the baits in order for them to work well. The baits must be fresh or the ants will not touch them. Do not sprinkle them directly into the hole but instead place the bait away from the mound as the ants need to forage for them. If the bait becomes wet it is no longer useful. Apply during the warm seasons when ants are foraging seeking food. During the extreme heat of the summer apply the baits just before dusk as the ant will seek food then to avoid the high heat. Please, please, please follow the directions on the label. These labels have extensive research behind them and if you follow the directions the mound will eventually die usually within weeks of the first application. Other methods of control are included and discussed in the publication attached. LH0. 59. Q I have found small brown insects in a tree. Do I need to be concerned about them infesting. A The insects you found are actually tiny ants, Cyphomyrmex. These insects were so tiny I had to look at them. This was the first time I had seen this. Colonies can. be polygynous, which means they have more than one queen. Workers. This. is a good time to discuss the importance of insects. All ants. In. face, very few insects cause problems to humans but unfortunately. That. seems to be true with humans too sorry I digress. These. It is important that we take a live. C. rimosus is the most. C. salvini in. wet forest habitats. Nests are in the soil, under stones, or under. So, to answer your question you. Q What is this insect and what kind of insecticide. I use to kill itA This is a beautiful example of the velvet ant. Actually, the velvet ant belongs to the wasp family. The name cow killer comes from the tremendous pain.