Continues from Part 11. Please use this thread to discuss antivirus, antispyware and firewall software. If you are having issues with certain software, a new. AdwCleaner 7. 0. 3. Removes adware, toolbars and malware. Malwarebytes AntiMalware 3. Removes malware, viruses more. SUPERAntiSpyware Free 6. Download the free trial version below to get started. Doubleclick the downloaded file to install the software. Older. Geeks. com Software Downloads No ads, no crapware, no B. S. Older. Geeks. com. We. are a software download site without ads, fake download buttons or. This site is 1. 00 supported by donations. Please consider making one if you like this strange concept. Emsisoft Anti Malware 7 0 0 18 Setup Key Rare' title='Emsisoft Anti Malware 7 0 0 18 Setup Key Rare' />START HERE Click. Click. here browse the video game categories. Click. Downloaded Files Today Click for full description1 Adw. Cleaner 7. 0. 4. 0. Malwarebytes. Anti Malware 3. Removes malware, viruses more. SUPERAnti. Spyware. Free 6. 0. Removes malware others miss. Junkware. Removal Tool 8. Removes. adware, toolbars and PUPS. Rogue. office, Office 2010 Toolkit 2. How to decrypt or get back encrypted files infected by known encrypting ransomware viruses. In the last years, cybercriminals distribute a new type of viruses that. NUMZHUB 0. 0. 7. 322,255 314. KB. OS linux,unix,windows apache. Issuu is a digital publishing platform that makes it simple to publish magazines, catalogs, newspapers, books, and more online. Easily share your publications and get. Killer Anti. Malware 1. A powerful anti malware tool. Kaspersky Virus Removal Tool 2. Removes malware viruses. Combofix 1. 7. 1. Malware remover for experienced techs. Windows. Repair All In One v. Automatically fix most Windows issues. Windows. Repair All In One. Portable v. 4. 0. Auto fix most Windows issues. Ultimate. Boot CD v. ISO Every tool you need in a bootable image. Log of updated or added files by. Click for full description NEW 1. Microsoft Show or Hide Updates Troubleshooter wushowhide Hide updates. UPDATED 1. Cyberduck 6. Windows Free browser for all your cloud accounts. UPDATED 1. Cyberduck 6. Mac Free browser for all your cloud accounts. UPDATED 1. Adw. Cleaner 7. Removes. adware, toolbars and malware. NEW 1. Cstitch 0. A free program for creating cross stitch patterns from images. NEW 1. Pixel Art 1. Free program to create pixel pictures. UPDATED 1. Metadefender Cloud Client 4. Free malware analysis tool available. UPDATED 1. Reg. Run Reanimator 9. Removes. trojansadwarespywaremalware. UPDATED 1. 02. 7 Wiz. Tree 3. 1. 5 Worlds fastest disk space analyzer. UPDATED 1. Crystal Security 3. Free cloud based anti malware. UPDATED 1. 02. 7 Crystal Security PORTABLE 3. Free cloud based anti malware. NEW 1. 02. 7 Timestamp Clamper 1. Allows resetting file and folder timestamps. UPDATED 1. Anti. Web. Miner 1. Protects against websites using your cpu to mine coins. UPDATED 1. Farbar Recovery Scan Tool 3. Diagnoses. malware issues. UPDATED 1. Farbar Recovery Scan Tool 6. Diagnoses. malware issues. NEW 1. Cliqz 1. 1. Ultra safe and ultra fast surfing with the Cliqz browser. NEW 1. Wallpaper Updater 2. Automatically exchanges your desktop wallpaper. NEW 1. Ping 1. 1. Graphical ping utility for monitoring multiple hosts. NEW 1. Trigger 1. Setup intrusion detection notification on your network. NEW 1. Convert. Shell. Code 3. Shows the assembly instructions from shellcode string. UPDATED 1. 02. 5. Extract. Face 6. 1. A free Facebook forensics tool for investigators. NEW 1. Installed. Packages. View v. Lists installed Windows packages info. NEW 1. Installed. Packages. View v. Lists installed Windows packages info. NEW 1. Wifi. History. View v. Displays the history of connections to wireless network. UPDATED 1. Drive Control 1. Map network drives by name on login. UPDATED 1. Rogue. Killer Anti. Malware. A powerful anti malware tool. UPDATED 1. Rogue. Killer Anti. Malware. A powerful anti malware tool. UPDATED 1. Rogue. Killer. CMD Anti. Malware 1. 2. 1. 1. Command line anti malware. UPDATED 1. 02. 4. Rogue. Killer. CMD Anti. Malware 1. 2. 1. 1. Command line anti malware. UPDATED 1. 02. 3. No. Script 5. 1. 3 Mozilla based browser extension for extra. NEW 1. 02. 3 Alternate File Move 1. A simple program for mirroring two folders. UPDATED 1. Geek. Uninstaller 1. Program uninstaller that removes leftovers. UPDATED 1. Chrome Cleanup Tool 2. Repairs problems in Google Chrome. NEW 1. 02. 2 TCP Over HTTP Tunnel 1. Get around CONNECT being blocked on network. NEW 1. Advanced Port. Checker 1. Scan an IP addresses for open ports. NEW 1. Power. Ping 1. Small improved command line ICMP ping program. UPDATED 1. Boot. Racer 7. Full control over Windows PC boot time. UPDATED 1. Tor Browser Bundle 7. Windows Surf Net anonymously. UPDATED 1. Tor Browser Bundle 7. Mac OS X Surf Net anonymously. UPDATED 1. Tor Browser Bundle 7. Linux, BSD, Unix 3. Maplesoft Maple 11 With Keygen Free. Surf Net anonymously. UPDATED 1. Tor Browser Bundle 7. Linux, BSD, Unix 6. Surf Net anonymously. UPDATED 1. Kaspersky Rescue Disk 1. Bootable virus removal disk. NEW 1. Multi File Port Monitor 1. Automate print to file jobs and file naming. NEW 1. Asteroids 1. A remake of the classic arcade game with joystick support. UPDATED 1. Repair All In One v. Automatically fix most Windows issues. UPDATED 1. Repair All In One Portable v. Auto fix most Windows issues. UPDATED 1. Free. Fixer 1. Removes adware, spyware malware. NEW 1. Eqonomize 1. Efficient, easy and free accounting for the household. UPDATED 1. Virtual. Box 5. 2. Run another operating system virtually inside of Windows. UPDATED 1. Crypto. Prevent 8. Prevents. UPDATED 1. Combofix 1. Malware remover for experienced techs. UPDATED 1. SUPERAnti. Spyware Free. Removes malware others miss. UPDATED 1. Screen. To. Gif 2. Record a. Gif. NEW 1. Frogger 1. A free remake of the popular 8. NEW 1. 01. 8 Galaxian 1. A free remake of the popular 8. NEW 1. 01. 8 Qbert 1. A free remake of the popular 8. UPDATED 1. 01. 7. Folder. Changes. View 2. Monitors folders or disks for changes. UPDATED 1. Freeciv 2. Free turn based. Civ. I Civ. II. UPDATED 1. Sys. Gauge 3. 7. 1. Free. system and performance monitoring utility. UPDATED 1. Sys. Gauge 3. Free. system and performance monitoring utility. UPDATED 1. The Classic Browser 2. Designed to serve YOU not corporations NEW 1. Video. Cleaner 4. Free forensic video enhancement softwaretamper detection. UPDATED 1. SIV System Information Viewer 5. Complete computernetwork info. UPDATED 1. 01. 5 Risen. D 2. 2. 3. 2 An advanced and free Doom port video game. UPDATED 1. Open. RA 2. Free remake of Red. Alert, Tiberian Dawn Dune 2. UPDATED 1. 01. 5. Open. TTD Transport Tycoon Deluxe 3. Free Transport Tycoon. UPDATED 1. Open. TTD Transport Tycoon Deluxe 6. Free Transport Tycoon. UPDATED 1. Open. TTD Transport Tycoon Deluxe Mac. OSX 1. 7. 1 Free Transport Tycoon. UPDATED 1. Bulk Crap Uninstaller 3. A free, mass program uninstaller. UPDATED 1. Bulk Crap Uninstaller PORTABLE 3. A free, mass program. UPDATED 1. 01. 2. FBackup 7. 0. 1. 74 A. Windows. NEW 1. 01. VANISH 1. 0. 0 A free, scary video game for your Halloween enjoyment. UPDATED 1. DMark Windows v. World leader in videocard benchmarking. UPDATED 1. Open DHCP Server 1. Windows Free DHCP server for Windows. UPDATED 1. Open DHCP Server 1. Linux Free DHCP server for Linux. UPDATED 1. Alternate FTP 2. A simple and free FTP client for Windows. UPDATED 1. 01. 0 Video. Cache. View 2. 9. Extracts videos from your browsers cache. UPDATED 1. List of all. TCPIP UDP ports. UPDATED 1. List of all. currently opened TCPIP UDP ports. NEW 1. Blue. Screen. View v. Displays all info about blue screen crashes. NEW 1. Blue. Screen. View v. Displays all info about blue screen crashes. UPDATED 1. Wireless Network Watcher 2. Monitor who connects to your wifi. NEW 1. Network. Counters. Watch v. 1. 0. 0 Displays counters for all network interfaces. UPDATED 1. Full. Event. Log. View v. 1. 2. Displays the details of the Event Log in. UPDATED 1. 01. 0. Full. Event. Log. View v. 1. 2. 2 6. Displays the details of the Event Log in. UPDATED 1. 00. 9. Malwarebytes Anti Malware 3. Removes malware, spyware, etc. UPDATED1. WSUS Offline Update 1. Update Windows with no Internet connection. UPDATED 1. Kaspersky Virus Removal. Tool 2. 01. 7. 1. Removes malware viruses. UPDATED 1. Windows Software Repair Tool 1. Repairs Software on MS Surface. UPDATED 1. Windows Repair Toolbox 2. Fastest way to download your repair. UPDATED 1. 00. 6. PNotes 3. 5. 0. 2 Light weight. UPDATED 1. 00. 6. A free program to tune up your computer. UPDATED 1. Tool to configure Windows Filtering Platform. UPDATED 1. Libre. Office Productivity.