Come ormai tutti sappiamo il WGA il controllo di genuinit di Microsoft Windows XP. Per scaricare dal sito Microsoft Update gli aggiornamenti di sicurezza. Greenwire Technology Solutions IT Tech Support Articles How to Install Windows XP on a Dell Vostro 220 or Vostro 1520, the Crashless way Windows 7 Forums is the largest help and support community, providing friendly help and advice for Microsoft Windows 7 Computers such as Dell, HP, Acer, Asus or a. In a previous tutorial I had described how you can update Windows 8 to Windows 8. Standalone installer Windows 8. Update 1 Standalone in the case that. Dell Inspiron 1525 Page 1 DriverPack Mass Storage DriverPacks. Forum The support forum for the DriverPacksIn Windows XP, SLP works via the OEMBIOS. System. Rootsystem. SLP product key, which is different than the system unique keys found on the COA Certificate of Authenticity stickers. For example, my Think. Pad R4. 0 has the string IBM CORPORATION located at address F4. ROM, and was installed using the same product key as on all Think. Pads with XP Pro, instead of the unique key found on the COA sticker. Using this Get. System toollt http www. SLP strings is present in a given system, where it is located in the ROM, and which set of OEMBIOS. If you dont already have them, you can download the OEMBIOS files from the OEMBIOS Repository here lt http www. By placing the proper OEMBIOS files along with a WINNT. SIF file with the fixed key in the i. CD you can create an install CD that will never need activation for a given OEM. Because the OEMBIOS files are system motherboard ROM specific, you would need to create a different OEM SLP install disc for every different brand OEM system you needed to reload. If you only work on one or two different brands of OEM systems i. Dell or Gateway, then that isnt much of a problem, but if you work on a variety of systems i. OEM systems. Using this OEMScan tool lt http www. Multi OEM XP install CDs that will allow system reloading with the proper SLP setup without having to resort to the product recovery discs or partitions. That is a major help as often the product recovery discs or partition are missing, and can be a major timesaver even if you do have them. Combining these and other tools you can create automatedunattended Multi OEM XP install discs one each for Home, Pro, and MCE that have SP2 and llupdates since fully integrated lt http www. Then when you have to reload a Dell, HPCompaq, IBMLenovo, Gateway, Toshiba, etc. XP, you pop in the approprate disc Home, Pro, MCE, reboot and walk away. When you return some 3. XP is fully installed including all Windows. Updates, permanently activated via SLP, and all of the latest drivers are automatically loaded for all devices. This beats using an illegal VLK Volume License Key CD which can get both the installer and user in trouble, and it certainly beats using a retail, upgrade or standard OEM CD to install, after which youll have to go through the dreaded waste of time telephone activation using the COA key. And even if you avethe product recovery CD or partition, this method is better since after using the product recovery you would still have to possibly install SP2, then all of the windowsupdates since up to more than 6. Symantec, AOL and other trialjunkgarbageware the product recovery process puts on the system. Going though all of this would probably go right over the listeners heads, but we could perhaps describe the SLP mechanism, and explain why their HPCompaqDellIBMLenovoGatewayetc. Then there is the issue of what happens when you eplacethe motherboard in your HPCompaqDellIBMLenovoGatewayetc., which breaks SLP and turns activation back on. Control Your Licensing with Slmgr. Executive Summary Use Slmgr to change a Windows Vista or Windows Server 2. OEM license. The annoyance that is Windows Product Activation used to plague only small businesses and home PC users, but now that Windows Vista and Windows Server 2. Your primary client side tool for managing a systems software licensing is called Slmgr slmgr. Microsoft Arc Keyboard Transceiver Replacement Cabinet. Need to change a product key or activate a system from the command line Want to extend Server 2. Not sure whether your computers license is a volume, retail, or OEM licenseIf so, you need Slmgr. Learn more by visiting WPA Surprises. Putting It to Work If you have systems without a GUI or systems that need to activate via a batch file, Slmgrs ato option is useful. To activate a system, simply open an elevated command prompt and type slmgr ato If youre working on a system thats using either a retail copy or a volume license copy of Windows thats been activated with the Multiple Activation Key MAK, Slmgr attempts to contact Microsofts activation web servers. However, if the system is running a copy of Windows built from the volume license media and has been activated with the Volume License Key VLK, Slmgr knows that it should instead try to contact your organizations Key Management Server KMS. When Slmgr requires Microsofts servers, it already knows those Internet addresses. But if Slmgr needs to find your KMS server, it needs to ask its local DNS server to resolve an SRV record that reveals your local KMS servers host name vlmcs. DNS zone name For example, bigfirm. SRV records identifying its KMS server would be vlmcs. Sometimes, though, technical configuration problems or institutional constraints keep that SRV record out of your organizations DNS zone, and Slmgr cant activate your copy of Windows. But if you know your local KMS servers host name or IP address, you can tell your Vista or Server 2. KMS server by using the command slmgr skms lt server name or IP address lt port So, if your KMS server is named kms. The optional colon and port number point to the fact that activation traffic runs over port 1. KMS server to use another port e. Slmgr skms command by suffixing a colon and that port number to the KMS servers name. For example, slmgr skms kms. Before you can activate a copy of Windows, you need to give it a product key. The easiest method is to make liberal use of the greatly improved setup scripts in Vista and Server 2. But if you need to install or change a product key from the command line, the ipk install product key option can help. For example, slmgr ipk YGR4. THIS9 WONT5 0. WORK D7. YGR4. 5 THIS9 WONT5 0. WORK D7. 66. 7 product key. Have you ever needed to know whether a system license is an OEM, retail, or volume license The Slmgr dli command shows your Windows version e. Vista Ultimate, Server Enterprise, the final five characters in your product key, the licensing state, whether youve activated, andif not yet activatedhow many minutes you have left. The Slmgr dlv command also reveals that information, along with a few more activation details and several URLs to places on Microsofts site that appear not to work anymore. Finally, suppose you dont yet want to activate your copy of Windows for some reason. Vista gives you a 3. Server 2. 00. 8 gives you 6. OSs also let you reset those grace periods four times, making Vistas actual grace period about 1. Server 2. 00. 8s about 2. To reset it, just open an elevated command prompt and type slmgr rearm Take Control If youre running Slmgr for the first time to do anything but activate a system, you might notice that its slow. I suspect that the extremely complex mathematics underlying product key and license verification add up to one of the most important weapons in Microsofts arsenal in its war on piracyalthough no one at Microsoft has ever confirmed this suspicion. Regardless, dealing with activation is no fun, but at least Slmgr lets you take greater control of it.