The Speakers of DEF CON 25. Speaker Index. 0 0ctane 0x00string A AlephNaughtHyrum Anderson Ayoul3 Dor Azouri. Applications apps, which extend the functionality of devices, are written using the Android software development kit SDK and, often, the Java programming. Excellent results can come from a small CNC router, but dont forget the software CNC tools, whatever their flavor, can greatly enhance your making. HTML5 browserbased access to applications desktops running on Windows Terminal Services RDS VDI. Zero client install maintenance try it todayThis means that every time the system boots, the server takes a look at the hardware configuration and incorporates any changes in the configuration of the Server service. Changes in hardware that are monitored are the amount of memory and the number of processors. Theres even a formula for it 4MBMBServer. Perf. SettingSVersion1Processorswhere MB Megabytes RAM on the server. SMBServer. Perf. Setting. Minimize Memory UsedSMBServer. Perf. Setting 1 if BalanceSMBServer. Perf. Setting 2 if Maximize Throughput for File SharingOSVersion 2 if running NTServer with 1. MB RAMProcessors is the number of processors in the system. In the formula youll notice that it refers to the SMBServer. Perf. Setting. This brings us to the only GUI tool native to Windows that you can use to tune the Server service. When you select the properties of a connection and then select the properties of file and printer sharing for Microsoft networks, you should end up with a window like this This is where you can optimize the Server service for a specific role. Consequently, if you do the numbers youll see that the higher you set the SMBServer. Perf. Setting, the higher the outcome of the formula is. But what is this number Good question. This number represents the value Windows will use for the Max. Work. Items, an important value in tuning the Server service. However, Max. Work. Items is just one of the parameters you can set to tune your fileserver. Lets take a look at the registry values. Parameters. Before we begin discussing the relevant parameters you can use to tune the Server service you should know that you should create them in the parameters sub key of the lanmanserver registry key. Lets take look at the most important parameters Max. Work. Items. As said, Max. Work. Items isnt the only thing tuning the Server service. It is one of the most important parameters though. What does this parameter meanWell, Max. Work. Items specifies the maximum number or work items receive buffers for file requests that the Server service is permitted to allocate at one time. If this limit is reached, you get really bad performance out of your file server on even no performance new connections to the file server are denied. Possible values 1 6. Init. Work. Items. This configures the number of work items allocated to a processor during startup. The initial work items. If this number is too low, it can significantly reduce performance or even deny new connections to the file server. Possible values 1 5. Max. Mpx. Ct This parameter permits a fileserver to provide a suggested maximum number of simultaneous outstanding client requests to itself. During negotiation of the Server Message Block dialect on this initial connection, this value is passed to the clients redirector where the limit on outstanding requests is enforced. A higher value can increase server performance, but requires more use of server work items Max. Work. Items. Possible values 1 6. Max. Work. Items and Max. Mpx. Ct Relationship. The value for Max. Excel Security Warning Automatic Update Of Links Has Been Disabled. Work. Items must be at least four times as large as that for Max. Mpx. Ct. For example, if Max. Mpx. Ct has a value of 4. Max. Work. Items needs to have a value of at least 1. Max. Raw. Work. Items. This value determines the maximum number of raw receive buffers that a server can allocate. If this limit is reached, server performance may be degraded. Possible values 1 5. Max. Free. Connections. This value controls the number of free connection blocks that are maintained for each endpoint. Possible values 24. Min. Free. Connections. This value specifies the minimum number of free connection blocks to be maintained for each endpoint. This setting can sometimes dramatically improve performance. Possible values 02. Siz. Req. Buf. This specifies the size of a Work. Item see Max. Work. Items that the Server service uses. Small Work. Items use less memory, but large Work. Items can improve performance. When running applications that use a lot of copy or move functions to a remote server profiles anyone, the speed at which this function completes is determined by network speed of course and by the SMB size. By increasing this Work. Items size, you will allow the server to complete its file copies faster. This will increase the performance of the application making the copymove calls. For computers running Windows Server 2.