The requirement to update your Affirmative Marketing Plan and populations least likely to apply at least every 2 two years from the effective date of the current. The castle was associated with the Counts of Barcelona. Aragon. The name Peyrepetuse is derived from Pirapertusa. Occitan, meaning Pierced Rock. The lower part of the castle was. Aragon in the 1. 1th. Century and the higher part by the French King Louis IX later on. France. The two castles are linked. The castle lost importance as a strategic. France and Spain was moved in 1. It was never subjected to attack during the Crusade against the Cathars. Nevertheless. it was surrendered to the French Crusaders 2. May 1. 21. 7, reclaimed. Guilhem de Peyrepertuse. Catholic Crusaders. He surrendered after the siege of Carcassonne. Viscount of Carcassonne, Guilhems suzerain, having failed. Carcassonne from the French invaders in 1. Peyrepertuse. became a French possession the same year. In 1. 25. 8, the Treaty of. Corbeil defined the border between France and Aragon for four centuries. Peyrepertuse became a royal French fortress at the southern border. French kingdom. At the end of the 1.