According to this new research, one can tremendously improve his or her appearance through superior health by way of a powerful cleansing diet. If you want a radical improvement in your appearance without going under the knife, then this diet is the answer to your prayers. The health benefits of this diet will make you feel so great youll start looking it too. Raw Food Magic. While beauty is relative because its in the eye of the beholder, there are certain outward manifestations of it regardless of heredity, sex, age, or ethnicity. Rosy cheeks and lips, clear, sparkling eyes, strong, healthy hair, fresh, glowing skin, strong bones and teeth, and a well developed physique such are the physical markers of radiant health. Emerging research has revealed that one kind of diet can help you attain the best of health, and through it, your best face yet the raw food diet. Aside from achieving excellent health, refined and enhanced physical features are just some of the wonderful perks one inevitably obtains through the raw diet. Long time raw foodists even claim that the diet changed their eye color and helped them lose stubborn fat, warts, and cellulite for life. Some got cured of acne for good others found their hair growing back and turning from gray back to its original color. But all have been told that they look younger than their real age. Fresh, organic, nutrient dense, and enzyme rich raw foods can really boost anyones self confidence due to the dramatic physical improvements they bring about. The 1 Worst Food to eat if you suffer from arthritis is sugar. First, Im going to explain why, then Im going to show you how you can eat it anyway. Welcome to ACSMs Blog. An international resource fueled by the science of sports medicine. The ACSM blog brings you uptodate commentary from top ACSM experts. 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And its a different kind of self confidence too, the one that feels honest in your bones because you know you didnt cheat. You jacked up your score in the attractiveness meter with discipline, proper knowledge, diligence, perseverance, and natural, nutrient rich food, not with toxic chemical injections or cosmetic incisions, the a little more here and a little less there kind of artificial procedures. But the mind blowing thing about the raw diet is that you will look as if you had a face lift or a tummy tuck. Go search the internet for before and after raw transformations for proof. Draw your inspiration from these people who succeeded with the raw food regimen. If they did it, then so can you. The internet is also replete with information on raw food to educate and excite you, not to mention free raw recipes to make your raw journey more fun and enjoyable. The amazing bonus is that on raw food, a new inner self emerges too. Raw food will purify and transmute your old energy. You will feel lighter and it will be much easier for you to smile, and a smile makes any countenance more attractive. That is because raw food will not just heal you physically it will also improve your mental, emotional, and spiritual states. People will sense that positive, ineffable something that envelops your being. They wont be able to put a finger on it, but youd know what that something is superior over all health brought to you by the most nourishing foods on the planet. The rate and degree of your natural make over will depend on your toxicity level. If you are immunocompromised then your metamorphosis may take longer. Your body will utilize all the nutrients from raw food to heal your disease before it starts taking care of your stretch marks. The process may take longer for others, depending on the persons previous diet and general state of health. The important thing is to persevere. Bear in mind that all successful raw foodists underwent unpleasant, and sometimes unglamorous, detox symptoms. Allow your body to unload itself of old, impacted garbage. Give it time to recover its old youthfulness, the one that you lost early on in life due to stress, poor diet, faulty thinking, and lack of motion. Educate yourself that you may understand how the body functions to help you stick to the raw diet in spite of the brief cycles of cleansing reactions. But be assured that in between the short periods of detox symptoms you will feel fabulous like you never did on your old cooked and toxic diet, like you never did in your entire life. Why Raw Numerous studies reveal that cooking causes a big drop in a foods nutritional profile. Heating food beyond 1. Fahrenheit kills off all the enzymes and decreases the amount of vitamins and minerals originally present in the food. To look your best you have to get the maximum amount of nutrients you could possibly get from any kind of food. Eating raw food is the obvious best solution to this, as all the nutrients in the food are undiminished and uncorrupted. Raw food gives your body the go signal to do what it really has to. Eating cooked food will make the body use up its enzyme reserves. It takes three metabolic enzymes to produce one digestive enzyme. Those metabolic enzymes that were converted into digestive enzymes could have been used for detoxification, tissue growth and repair, and assimilation of nutrients, not to mention cell production, growth, and rejuvenation all the vital processes that would transform you inside out. Dont overtax your body with cooked food and toxic substances. Always carry enzyme supplements with you in case you have to eat cooked food. Just remember that to obtain impressive results, youd have to be at least 7. The path to natural beauty actually begins in the gut. Yes, your physical transformation is largely hinged on bowel health, not on what you apply topically on your skin. While slathering your face with a fresh, crushed tomato or with your concoction of mashed banana, papaya, and honey will give you smooth, bright looking skin in 1. You cannot have a healthy digestive system without consuming raw food. Nutrients and fiber found in raw food will loosen and absorb the mucus, grease, and impacted fecal matter in your gut, preparing them for elimination. A dirty digestive tract will not assimilate nutrients well. Moreover, filthy intestines provide a breeding ground for parasites, viruses, and unfriendly bacteria, which rob you of precious nutrients and toxify your body further with their own wastes. There are other ways to kick out the bad guys from your system aside from following a high raw and high fiber diet. One is by taking an all natural intestinal cleanse formula that would kill off the free loading parasites squatting in your gut. Increasing the population of good bacteria through probiotic supplementation and consumption of unpasteurized fermented foods such as kimchi, sauerkraut, yogurt, fermented seed and nut cheeses, miso, and natto. Enemas and colonics would also help scrape off stubborn waste matter that have accumulated throughout years of unhealthy eating, washing off the unfriendly organisms as well. Eating foods such as cayenne, ginger, garlic, onion, pineapple, cold pressed coconut oil, pumpkin seeds, fresh aloe vera gel, and sesame seeds will also antagonize parasites, bacteria, and viruses. Nutrition Healthy Living. Benefits of Boiled Potatoes. A staple in the average American diet, potatoes contribute to your recommended starchy vegetable intake 5 to 6 cups weekly, according to the U. S. A staple in the average American diet, potatoes contribute to your recommended starchy vegetable intake 5 to 6 cups weekly, according to the U.